From the Seven Days of Stockhausen

25 October 2013 - Malcolm Aiken (trumpet), Tilman Robinson (trombone), Ben Hermann and Lara Dodds-Eden (piano)

SETZ DIE SEGEL ZUR SONNE (Set Sail for the Sun)

Play a tone for so long until you hear its individual vibrations

Hold the tone and listen to the tones of the others - to all of them together, not to individual ones – and slowly move your tone until you arrive at complete harmony and the whole sound turns to gold to pure, gently shimmering fire

25 October 2013 - choir of Fall Music Residents "Setz die Segel zur Sonne - Set Sail For the Sun Play a tone for so long until you hear its individual vibrations Hold the tone and listen to the tones of the others – to all of them together, not to individual ones – and slowly move your tone until you arrive at complete harmony and the whole sound turns to gold, to pure, gently shimmering fire."

TREFFPUNKT (Meeting Point)

Everyone plays the same tone
Lead the tone wherever your thoughts lead you 
Do not leave it, stay with it 
​Always return to the same place

25 October 2013 - Malcolm Aiken (trumpet), Tilman Robinson (trombone), Ben Hermann and Lara Dodds-Eden (piano)

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